The Salvation Army of Broward Seasonal Bell Ringers Job Fair
The Salvation Army of Broward Seasonal Bell Ringers Job Fair
Event Date: 2019-10-30 13:00:00
The Salvation Army of Broward County is looking for several good men and women to b-“ring” in the cheer and charity this holiday season! South Florida residents with a positive outlook and an affinity for philanthropy and fun are encouraged to apply for a seasonal bell ringer position with The Salvation Army of Broward County on Wednesday, October 30, from 1 – 3 p.m., at the Salvation Army’s headquarters at 100 SW 9th Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. Approximately 125 positions need to be filled.
Synonymous with the Christmas season, “ringing the bell” at a Salvation Army Red Kettle has been a tradition since 1895. It’s not just about ringing a bell, however. All proceeds from the Kettle stay in Broward County and support the Salvation Army’s feeding, shelter and social service programs. Last year, the nonprofit organization raised more than $120,000 for the Greater Fort Lauderdale community.
Applicants are encouraged to be creative through song, dance or other spirited presentations that demonstrate enthusiasm and a willingness to help others. Bell Ringers will be selected for employment for the holiday period of November 15 – December 24.
The Red Kettle Bell Ringers program is only part of the nonprofit organization’s holiday efforts to help those less fortunate. This November, the organization will, again, host free Thanksgiving meals in partnership with The Cheesecake Factory for hundreds of families. Last year’s Angel Tree Program provided the opportunity to distribute more than 3,000 toys to families with diminished resources.
For more information, please call (954) 712-2626 or email
Salvation Army of Broward Community Center
100 SW 9th Avenue
33312 Fort Lauderdale
United States
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