
Leading Well Learning Retreat – Florida – January 21-24, 2020

Leading Well Learning Retreat – Florida – January 21-24, 2020

Event Date: 2020-01-21 12:00:00


JOIN US . . . for a four-day training experience for pastors, diaconal ministers and church leaders that offers practical learning, Sabbath rest and collegial support. January 21 – 24, 2020 Tuesday (12 noon) – Friday (11:30am) [For Early Arrival or Late Departure, please make arrangements directly with Duncan Center, (561) 496-4130 or]  LEARNING OUTCOMES Renew yourself through worship, prayer, rest and fellowship. Practice living and leading well as you build on your gifts and strengths. Inspire team members to be creative, collaborative and conscious of God's presence in their lives. Learn ways to interpret your ministry context and adapt to changin ministry environment. Gain wisdom from your colleague around a variety of ministry issues. LEARNING SESSIONS Tuesday The power of questions: What's the ONE thing that would transform your life?  Your Ministry? What is God Up To, in Me, in My Community, in the World? How might you reframe your life and ministry for 2020? Wednesday How might we become storytelling faith communities? How do we help members and ministry partners claim their callings in life? Thursday What does being nimble and adaptive look like in your life? What does being nimble and adaptive look like in your faith community? What gets in the way of living your preferred future? Friday Sharing Wisdom throuugh Crowdsourcing What's the one "takeaway from this learning retreat? What's the "one thing" you'll focus on for 2020? WHO WOULD BENEFIT FROM THIS EXPERIENCE? Pastors of small and large churches who desire to raise up spiritual elders.  Diaconal ministers and program staff who work with ministry teams.  Diaconal and health ministers who support wellness ministry initiatives.  Newly called ministry leaders who seek to rethink and reimagine ministry in new ways. Judicatory leaders seeking develop healthy cultures and systems in faith communities.  LEADING WELL FACILITATORS Your facilitators for the Leading Well Learning Retreat include: Jim LaDoux, Retreat Host, Facilitator & Coach Matthew Short, Worship Leader & Chaplain Tammy Devine, Facilitator, Worship Leader & Spirituality Coach Michael Larsen, Musician, Worship Leader   Learn more about Leading Well and the 3-year curriculum for the learning retreats at COSTS | WHAT'S INCLUDED?   The all-inclusive Program Fee includes tuition, event preparation, participant materials, housing (if desired), 9 meals and on-site hospitality. Per person fees vary based on the type of accommodation chosen.      Per person, double accommodations, shared bathroom:  $850      Per person, single occupancy, private bathroom:  $950      Per person, commuter (off-site housing; 9 meals and hospitality included on-site):  $650        Special rate for non-participating spouse in shared room:  $450   Two Payment options:  (Scroll down on the registration page to view all "ticket" options.) A $100 deposit will be collected at the time of registration to hold your spot.You will receive an invoice for the remaining balance. Payment may be made by check in one or two installments. A minimum payment of 50% is due on or before November 1, 2019. Any remaining balance must be received on or before December 15, 2019. You may charge the FULL AMOUNT to your credit card when you register.  For Approved Siebert Grant Participants: Please register using the "Siebert" options. NO DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED for Double accommodations. A deposit of $150 is required for those requesting a Single room. NOTE: The number of single rooms available at the Duncan Center is limited. Rooms will be reserved on a first come-first served basis.  Off-site accommodations are also available (commuter rates apply). See information below to make those arrangements independently.  * Residence Inn, Marriott, Boca Raton, FL    525 NW 77th Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33487 USA   Map and information    Phone: +1-561-994-3222   For those staying at the Duncan Center:For Early Arrival or Late Departure, please make arrangements directly with the Duncan Center, (561) 496-4130 or  AND note your arrival date in your registration materials.

Duncan Conference and Retreat Center
15820 South Military Trail
33484 Delray Beach
United States

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