
Flourish Women’s Retreat

Flourish Women’s Retreat

Event Date: 2019-11-02 08:30:00

Cost: $25 includes lunch, Early Bird Special for the first 25 to sign up gets $10 Off

FLOURISH. Isn't that what we all want? Flourish Women’s Retreat equips us with tools to discern true from false, full from empty, purposeful from futile, and godly from selfish.

Lydia Brownback, featured speaker, will guide us toward finding the abundant life Jesus promised. Worship with us through song, and drama, as we live, laugh and learn.

From conferences to podcasts, online journals to paperbacks—we have opportunity to expand our knowledge like never before in history. It’s a tremendous blessing for those who want to grow in their understanding of God and his Word, yet sifting good from bad, true from false, takes discernment. Much of today’s teaching has more to do with emotional enrichment and personal prosperity than with true discipleship, and it stifles real spiritual growth. The wrong message has become so prevalent that our real need—salvation from sin and abundant life in God’s kingdom—has gotten lost. There is no hope to be found in a shallow, self-oriented pursuit of the “good life” that only obscures the true gospel. But we too easily buy into it, and we’re drawn away from the paths of the Lord toward culturally created saviors that cannot save. This event aims to direct women back to the biblical gospel and true Christian discipleship so that they can discern true from false, full from empty, purposeful from futile, and godly from selfish.

In each session at this retreat, the self-focus that so easily drives our lives will be uncovered, its nature exposed. And as we are biblically equipped to let go of ourselves and take hold of him, we find the abundant life Jesus promised.

Covenant Church of Naples
6926 Trail Blvd
34108 Naples
United States

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