
Paddle with the Manatees, 6 nights, 5 days, multiple rivers

Paddle with the Manatees, 6 nights, 5 days, multiple rivers

Event Date: 2019-12-26 16:00:00


Leave winter behind, come with us to Florida for New Years!! If you have never experienced a close encounter with these gentle giants you have really missed out.  We will drive down on Thursday the 26th, with a checkout on Wednesday the 1st.  That gives us 5 full days to paddle or site see. We have a lot of rivers to choose from and the final decision about where to paddle will be made closer to the trip. Some of the rivers will be weather dependent.  We have never paddled without encountering Manatees along with many other types of wildlife. You can choose to paddle with us all five days or any combination.   We have two options for this trip. Option one:  We have a luxury Riverside house reserved with limited spaces. Check in on Thursday the 26th.. The house is on the Rainbow River.  It has a huge kitchen and dining room and a game room with pool table..  The cost of option one is $600 per person in a single bed or $1200 per couple sharing a private bedroom. There is also an option of sleeping on an air mattress or couch in the house.  That price is $400 per person. That fee includes the paddle trips, and breakfast Friday through Wednesday.  (We will also be doing some dinners at the house, days to be determined.)  It also includes any entry fee, parking fees or shuttle fees that we have to pay on this trip.  Option two: Camp on the property by the river.  We have room for 4 tents.   The cost of option two is $200 per person (not per tent).  That fee includes the paddle trips, breakfast each day, some dinners (days to be determinded) your campsite and any entry fees, parking fees or shuttle fees that we have to pay on this trip.  You will receive an itinerary before the trip. A LIMITED NUMBER OF RENTAL BOATS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR $95.00 EACH, THAT IS FOR ALL 5 DAYS, THE BOATS WILL BE TRANSPORTED BETWEEN RIVERS. Tandem boats are also available for $125.. We will have opportunities to swim with the Manatees,,, it gets chilly.  Wet suits, mask and snorkels recommended. This is a kid friendly trip.  More details will be emailed as we get closer to trip time.  Questions: JOHN MILLER  email: or call: 678-549-4950

Private House on the Rainbow River

United States

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