Polk & Osceola Kindergarten Transition Summit
Polk & Osceola Kindergarten Transition Summit
Event Date: 2019-11-06 09:00:00
The Office of Early Learning, the Florida Head Start Collaboration Office, the Department of Education, and the Children’s Forum are partnering with early learning coalitions and school districts to promote successful transitions to kindergarten. This Transition to Kindergarten Summit will bring together community stakeholders in Polk and Osceola counties. Following the Summit, participants will be encouraged to collaborate with other stakeholders in their areas to support successful kindergarten transitions for children. Anticipated Outcomes Receive transition information and resources in support of Ready Communities; Ready Schools; Ready Families; and Ready Children; Learn about transition best practices currently implemented around the state; Share community resources and needs to inform the state in supporting those needs; and Collaborate with other stakeholders in your community around transition to kindergarten. RSVP Please register by October 21, 2019 to secure your seat and allow sufficient time to accommodate any travel needs (travel reimbursement is available to those traveling more than 100 miles round trip).
Steffani Events Center
900 Lily Ave
Haines City
United States
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Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://eventful.com/hainescity/events/polk-osceola-kindergarten-transition-summit-/E0-001-131466727-2?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic