Smoke Shop Festival
Event Date: 2019-11-02 13:00:00
Details We are excited to announce our 1st Annual SMOKE SHOP FESTIVAL in beautiful TAMPA, FLORIDA !! Presented to you by Smokey Jones (@smokeyjonessmokeshop) Sponsored by: CHUBBY BUD TETRA HEALTH CENTERS JONES GENETICS MAGICAL BUTTER PUFFCO LEGAL LEAN JONES JUICE USA CHRONIC CANDY OOZE WHITE BOYS ROLLING PAPERS ALL AGES ARE WELCOMED -(UNDER 18 MUST HAVE AN ADULT PRESENT) Feel free to bring chairs, blankets, and pop up tables to help make yourselves comfortable.. THIS IS A FREE EVENT TO ATTEND!! MUST HAVE A VALID TICKET (no exceptions) Location SMOKEY JONES SMOKE SHOP 4033 W. Hillsborough Ave. Tampa, Florida 33614 Use Uber or Lyft for a easier way to the event.. We suggest to car pool if possible.. (Parking will be minimum)- Off site parking will be available. Hours Saturday 1pm – Sunday 12am (All Day Event) On November 2, 2019 Smokey Jones will host a SMOKE SHOP FESTIVAL in Tampa Florida. This will be a carnival style, MUSIC & FOOD festival with some of your favorite brands in the industry…There will be TETRA HEALTH CENTERS (Medical Marijuana Doctor) on site, doing evaluation for those looking to get registered with the State of Florida and re-evaluations for patients that already have a card.. REGULATE FLORIDA is bringing the PETITIONS to you, to help with the 700,000 signatures needed to change Florida Marijuana Laws.. We will have a unique selection of food, with FOOD TRUCKS and MOBILE VENDORS throughout the Bay Area. BANG ENERGY will be onsite with their BIG JEEP passing out FREE BEVERAGES to ALL attendees and staff! Our very own GLASS ARTIST – Adam Arehart will be conducting a LIVE GLASS BLOWING DEMO throughout the evening with raffles and giveaways of his work. The music will stay going all day and night with a LIVE DJ – DJ Genolexis to keep the party moving, and stage performances by local artist in Florida. At 4:20 we will host the first ROLLING CHALLENGE presented and awarded by SMOKEY JONES & WHITE BOYS ROLLING PAPERS. And the winner of the PUFFCO PEAK raffle will be announced at 7:10. Get WILD at the Wild 94.1 booth and pick up some FREE giveways on the way. Our CBD CHOCOLATE EATING CONTEST will be fun with contestants eating bars of chocolate as the fans cheer them on..We added a COSTUME CONTEST to find the BEST OVERALL & BEST 420 costume at the event..There will be key note speakers throughout the day to help everyone understand where the industry is, and where we are headed, as well as brand reps to introduce their products to the customers and various other topics.COOKING DEMOS and LOTION INFUSIONS by MAGICAL BUTTER will be happening throughout the day to teach proper cooking technique and storage. With over 30+ vendors of the brands and products that you enjoy everyday, there is something for everyone, including plenty of GAMES to enjoy when you find yourself wanting a change of pace, and LIVE FIRE DANCERS all night that will take your breath away. So mark those calendars and come out and enjoy yourself with us at the "SMOKE SHOP FESTIVAL"!! Food Truck/Mobile Food Vendors (Subject to Change) Burger Culture Sweet Southern Squeeze-(Fresh Lemonade) Arcoleya Sweet Treats-( Chocolate Covered Sweets) Flavas Water Ice-(Frozen Drinks w/ Fresh Fruits) and more… Non Food Vendors (Still Populating) Smokey Jones Smoke Shop Chubby Bud Magical Butter Tetra Health Centers Bang Energy- (VPX Sports) Jones Genetics Regulate Florida Arehart Glass Twisted Heady Cords Jones Juice USA White Boys Rolling Papers Legal Lean Hippie Tie Dye Clothing Zen Kitten Art Color Street Hemp Worx Paparazzi Happy Haze United Hands Wellness Dark Star Ink Pleasing Pieces Young Living Essential Oils Solar Bear The Real Miss G Thumb Pure Romance Robinder Custom Pieces and more… Musical Guest (Still Populating) Hybreed eM-16 Mr. Unknown FRE$H P Music Coordinator DJ Genolexis Art and Glass Arehartsglass (Adam Arehart)- Florida's Glass Games Finalist 2018/2019 Zen Kitten (Artist/Painter) Live Painter- (TBA) Info Speakers (include) Regulate Florida Tetra Health Center-(Doctor) Veterans For Cannabis Magical Butter Maria Malec-(Healthy Living) and more… Big Thanks to our Title Sponsor: SMOKEY JONES SMOKE SHOP Big Thanks to our Diamond Sponsor: CHUBBY BUD Big Thanks to our Platinum Sponsors: JONES GENETICS Big Thanks to our Sponsors: Tetra Health Centers Magical Butter Legal Lean Chronic Candy Puffco Jones Juice USA Ooze White Boys Rolling Papers Big Thanks to our Radio Host: Wild 94.1
4033 West Hillsborough Avenue
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