
ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI Conference (blr)

ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI Conference (blr)

Event Date: 2019-11-08 16:00:00


ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI Conference      *** LIMITED TIME OFFER: FREE $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD! ***REGISTER TODAY! November 8-9, 2018 | Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista – Disney Springs™ Area The ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI Conference features two days of education and networking dedicated to clinical documentation improvement (CDI) in the outpatient setting. Join us for this one-of-a-kind conference featuring two concurrent educational tracks of diverse sessions, including how to get started in the ambulatory setting, query techniques and nuances, metrics and analytics, staff training, and demonstrating return on investment. Learn from your peers and the nation’s foremost outpatient CDI experts while you take advantage of a unique networking experience. Topics include sessions on: Building an outpatient CDI program Risk adjustment: Common diagnoses often missed in outpatient documentation Outpatient query practices: Building compliant queries MACRA and MIPS: A look at physician quality and payments Critical differences between inpatient vs. outpatient coding guidelines How to teach physicians E/M—medical school did not From inpatient to outpatient: Defining the different documentation, coding, and reimbursement requirements Also included is a special “lightning round” ideas-sharing session and a dedicated Q&A panel to help answer your most pressing questions. Who should attend? Clinical documentation improvement (CDI) specialists  CDI managers/directors  Coding compliance directors/managers  Coding compliance specialists  Outpatient coders  Case management directors/ managers  HIM directors  Revenue cycle directors  Physician champions/advisors to CDI  Quality improvement professionals  Coding managers/supervisors  Chief medical officers  Denials and appeals managers  Compliance officers  Chief financial officers At the conclusion of the 2018 ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI Conference, you will be able to: Develop strategies to begin or improve outpatient CDI programs Modify existing CDI programs to include review of outpatient documentation and risk-adjusted methodologies such as HCCs Design CDI education for physicians related to outpatient practice AGENDA ACDIS Symposium: Outpatient CDI Conference Pre-Registration — Wednesday November 7, 2018 4:00 P.M.—6:00 P.M. Pre-Registration Day 1 — Thursday, November 8, 2018 7:00 A.M.—8:00 A.M. Registration and continental breakfast in the Exhibit Hall 8:00 A.M.—8:15 A.M. Introduction and welcome remarks 8:15 A.M.—9:15 A.M. General Session: KeynoteIt's Growing Season: A Fresh Way to Lead ChangeJones LaflinYou already know how things could go at this Symposium. You’ll get excited about all the fantastic ideas you glean from the education sessions and networking with your peers. You’ll leave with a renewed sense of purpose about outpatient CDI, knowing you will be equipped to lead change in amazing ways. But then reality comes roaring back when you go home, and you slowly return to just maintaining the status quo. What if there was a way for things to be different this time? Our keynote speaker Jones Loflin says there is such a way: think like a gardener. And the best part is you only have to remember four words: Grow, Cultivate, Prune, and Harvest. In this powerfully practical and engaging session, expect to learn a myriad of tips and strategies on how to move the ideas you get from the Symposium into reality once you return home, including getting others on board with your change efforts. Let’s get growing! 9:30 A.M.—10:30 A.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingHow CDI and Coding Can Travel Together in the Outpatient Realm: Goals and InitiativesDeanne Wilk, BSN, RN, CCDS, CCS, CMS, AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer and Melissa Maguire, BSN, RN-BCThis session looks at how CDI and coding can work collaboratively and with their own initiatives in the outpatient realm. Covering both CDI and coding initiatives, it examines what to review and how to engage providers from both aspects to complete the documentation picture. Track 2: Management and StrategyThinking Outside the Box: Building an Effective and Sustainable Ambulatory CDI ProgramRebecca Willcutt, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS, CRCAmbulatory CDI is truly a "new frontier" and the process for developing a mature and sustainable program is not well understood. It is critical to develop strict definitions of exactly what you want to accomplish and what problem(s) you are trying to solve using Ambulatory CDI. This session will trace the evolution of a successful ambulatory CDI program and provide strategies to implement at your own organization. We will also discuss how to ensure administrative support and provider engagement as well as the measurement of metrics to gauge success of your program. 10:30 A.M.—11:00 A.M. Networking and refreshment break—Exhibit Hall 11:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M. General Session: ACDIS Outpatient Position Paper (plus Q&A with ACDIS Advisory Board) 12:00 P.M.—1:00 P.M. Lunch provided—Exhibit Hall 1:00 P.M.—2:00 P.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingPromoting Physician Buy In: Communicating Key ConceptsLaurie Prescott, RN-MSN, CCDS, CDIP, CRCPhysician engagement is a key component to a successful CDI program. In the high volume, fast paced environment of outpatient CDI, we must ensure our education is properly targeted and relevant. This presentation offers guidance in teaching strategies with a goal of fostering physician buy in and support of your CDI efforts. Track 2: Management and StrategyFive Pillars for Building a Successful CDI Program in Emergency ServicesAutumn Reiter, BSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP, CCS, AHIMA-Approved ICD-10 TrainerGetting CDI specialists involved at the point of entry in the emergency department (ED) provides important benefits to downstream documentation and coding accuracy. However, CDI programs in emergency services carry a unique set of challenges for everyone involved: CDI specialists, case managers, and physicians. These five strategies will position CDI directors to launch a successful documentation improvement initiative within their own emergency departments. 2:00 P.M.—2:30 P.M. Networking and refreshment break—Exhibit Hall 2:30 P.M.—3:30 P.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingIs Reporting a Bad Thing? Complete Diagnosis Coding for OP/Provider EncountersShannon McCall, RHIA, CCS, CCS-P, CPC, CEMC, CRC, CCDSAllen Frady, RN, BSN, CCDS, CCS, CRCA new focus on accurate diagnosis coding in an outpatient environment has emerged leaving providers and coders constantly debating whether or not they should assign a diagnosis code for co-existing conditions. For some the perceived issue may be considered a time factor, lack of knowledge or a potential fear of inaccurate reimbursement. No matter the reason, please join us to explore how capturing diagnosis code data impacts reimbursement and data collections for all outpatient reimbursement methodologies. Track 2: Management and StrategyCreating an Outpatient CDI Program Integrated into an Existing Inpatient CDI ProgramCarrie Horn, MSHA, BBA, RN, CNOR, CCDS and Mary Carol Brouwer, MSHA, BSN, RN, CCDSFind out how Spectrum Health created and sustained an outpatient CDI program with the collaboration of an inpatient CDI program. Hear the challenges of two different teams joining with one common goal for improving clinical documentation. 3:45 P.M.—4:45 P.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingIs Your Outpatient Query Process Compliant?Susanne M. Warford, MBA-HCM, Rn CCDS and Rita Field, BSN, RN, CCDSOutpatient programs continue to grow and integrating queries into the outpatient process is still fairly new. There remain many questions regarding a compliant process. This presentation focuses on practical guidelines for writing a compliant query and developing a compliant process. Track 2: Management and StrategyDevelopment of Ambulatory CDI at Christiana Care HospitalSusan A. Carrier, RN, BSN, MBA, CCDS, CPC and Karen Frosch, CCS, CCDS, CRC, CPHQHear how Christiana Care Hospital developed a viable ambulatory CDI program from initial concept to the present day. Carrier shares their development timeline, analytics used, results to date, provider educational support materials, and the query templates used. 4:45 P.M.—5:45 P.M. Networking Reception—Exhibit HallSponsored By: ScribeEMR Scribe Day 2—Friday, November 9, 2018 7:00 A.M.—8:00 A.M. Continental breakfast in the Exhibit Hall 8:00 A.M.—9:00 A.M. General Session: Lightning Round 9:15 A.M.—10:15 A.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingClinical Validation: Expanding Clinical Validation into Outpatient CDITara Bell, MSN, RN, CCDS, CCMThis session provides obtain key information regarding clinical validation and industry standards for documentation. It assists seasoned CDI professionals in training others and providing education to providers as they embark on expanding essential requirements for compliant documentation. Track 2: Management and StrategyAmbulatory CDI Data and Analytics on a BudgetYvonne Whitley, RN, BSN, CPC, CRC, CDEOAmbulatory CDI is a new frontier and it may be difficult to convince leadership of the need for a program when budgets are tight. If you are beginning to build your ambulatory CDI program, or are considering adding one, come hear how Novant Health has leveraged their available resources to provide the data and analytics leadership desires and developed a robust program with a five-year track record. 10:15 A.M.—10:45 A.M. Networking and refreshment break—Exhibit Hall 10:45 A.M.—11:00 A.M. Sponsored Session 11:15 A.M.—12:15 P.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingClaims Submission vs. RAPS Submission: Understanding the DifferenceSonia Trepina, MPA and Brett Senor, MD, CRC, CCDSSo often we wonder why numbers are not consistent from one analysis to the next. We assume that one of the analyses is wrong. Maybe the analyses are just different? If you are entering into a Medicare Advantage risk adjustment contract or have been in one for a while, it is important to be aware of the differences in the claims submission and the impact on the risk scores and data. Awareness is the first step to change! Understanding the differences in process and impact can help CDI teams understand how they can best support their organization on the journey of risk adjustment. Track 2: Management and StrategyTwo Worlds Collide: Integrating Inpatient and Outpatient CDIJessica Vaughn, RN, MSN, CCDS Melinda Matthews, RN, BSN, MHA, CCDS, CDIP, Sandra Love, RN, BSN, CCDSThe CDI program at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is a pioneer in CDI and since its inception, nearly 20 years ago, the program has demonstrated national success in quality outcomes and revenue enhancement, while providing a focus on accurate, complete, and compliant documentation practices through integrated education and multidisciplinary partnerships. Under the same leadership, Wake’s outpatient program began more than three years ago and has become an innovator in industry initiatives, procedures, and outcomes. This session provides insight into the development of a successfully integrated CDI department and strategies to align outpatient objectives with inpatient objectives in meeting organizational goals. 12:15 P.M.—1:15 P.M. Lunch provided—Exhibit Hall 1:15 P.M.—2:15 P.M. Breakout Sessions Track 1: Clinical and CodingDiabetic Complications: Diagnosis, Documentation, Coding, and ComplianceRichard D. Pinson, MD, FACP, CCSParticipants will learn the diagnostic criteria for diabetic complications that constitute HCCs, documentation requirements, and coding. The Official Coding Guideline requirements for coding and reporting of outpatient diagnoses will be presented as well as CMS compliant billing and reimbursement. Track 2: Management and StrategyMeeting the Challenge of Provider Documentation in the Ambulatory SettingAmy J. Fulp, RN, BSN, MHA, CPC, CDEO, CRCProvider education is imperative to any CDI program and the unique dynamic that is ambulatory CDI makes educating the masses a challenge. Hear how Novant Health ambulatory CDI nurses educate providers, from initial interactions to maximizing each communication opportunity. Plus the impact of a 2017 CDI initiative around two HCC diagnoses. 2:15 P.M.—3:00 P.M. Panel Session: Q&A, Takeaways, and Wrap Up 3:00 P.M. Adjourn Exhibitors AHIMA Dolbey Solutions Elsevier Enjoin HCTec Hiteks Solutions, Inc. Mayo Clinic MedPartners M*Modal  Peak Health Solutions, Inc. RecordsOne Saince ScribeEMR Streamline Health TrustHCS UASI – United Audit Systems Inc. Please contact the event manager Marilyn ( ) below for:- Multiple participant discounts- Price quotations or visa invitation letters- Payment by alternate channels (PayPal, check, Western Union, wire transfers etc)- Event sponsorshipsNO REFUNDS ALLOWED ON REGISTRATIONSService fees included in this listing.—————————————————————–BUSINESS & LEGAL RESOURCES-BLR – New York Events Listhttp://www.NyEventsList.comhttp://www.BostonEventsList.com—————————————————————–MYL181227CEV

Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista – Disney Springs Area
1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard
Lake Buena Vista
United States

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