SMLH Site Reservation 2019
Event Date: 2019-11-10 18:00:00
Cost: $5.00
South Miami Little House (SMLH) may be rented for a 24 hour period (or consecutive 24 hour periods) during weekends and Miami-Dade and Monroe County School holidays and recesses. The purpose of SMLH is to provide safe, accessible outdoor space for troops and groups associated with Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, with an emphasis on access to natural wooded outdoor space as well as overnight camping in the building and/or tents. Rentals of SMLH are available for meetings in the building and overnight camping in the building and tents (weekends and Miami-Dade and Monroe County school holidays). Overnight rentals begin at 6:00 p.m. for GSTF troops and groups, and end at 9:00 a.m. the following morning for a cost of $75.00. The tenting area is included in the overnight rental cost. The $5.00 fee paid here is to hold your reservation only, unless the rental is for a 3 hour troop or community meeting. The cost for a 3 hour troop or community meeting is $5, a reservation here is considerd payment in full. You will receive confirmation of acceptance of your reservation within 3 business days, which will include the dates for ACH transfers from your Community or Troop bank account. Fifty percent (50%) of the total rental fee is payable as soon as the reservation is made, the remaining 50% will be deducted three (3) weeks prior to your reservation date. If the rental is three weeks or less prior to the reservation date, 100% of the rental will be deducted immediately. Communities may reserve SMLH 6 months in advance. Troops may reserve SMLH 3 months in advance. If a reservation is made beyond these dates, the reservation will automatically be cancelled. Each Troop or Community may reserve SMLH one time in a rolling 7 day period (one reservation per week). A reservation may be an entire weekend, but it cannot be two unconnected days. In order to camp overnight for two consecutive nights, reserve all the day meeting times as well as overnight. If more than one reservation is made in a 7 day period, ALL reservations for that Troop or Commuity will be cancelled and the Troop or Community will not have access for 30 days to make a reservation. Early set-up is not available. If the Troop or Community reserves overnight camping event on a Saturday, but wish to set up on Friday, the fee is an additional $120. Girl Scouts always leave a place better than they found it. A cleaning checklist will be provided, the camp ranger will review the state in which the cabins, bathhouse, lodge and grounds have been left. If the checklist is not complete, the ranger will attempt to design a remedy with the adults in charge of the event. If the checklist is still incomplete, fines will be communicated in writing including a copy of the cleaning checklist and withdrawn via ACH Transfer from the Community or Troop bank account within 5 business days. A key will be available 3 days prior to the reservation. This key must be returned to the camp ranger during the checklist/check-out process. A key replacement fee of $50 will be charged to the Community or Troop in the case the key is not returned. For troops meeting at SMLH on a regular basis, a yearly key may be arranged upon request and key must be return by due date to avoid a key replacement fee of $50. Complete a Trip and Travel form for reservations which are not regular troop or community meetings. If you do not yet have an ACH Transfer Authorization on file, please provide it immediately so that your reservation can be completed. Payments are accepted via ACH transfer from a GSTF Troop or Community bank account only. Meeting in Lodge – $5.00
Girl Scouts South Miami Little House
6609 SW 60th St
33143 Miami
United States
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