40 – Hour Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
40 – Hour Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Event Date: 2019-12-09 08:30:00
This hands-on course is designed to teach the techniquesrequired to recognize, document and examine bloodstainpattern evidence. Meets requirements for membership in theInternational Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts(IABPA). Topics include but are not limited to: Biohazard precautions and proper handling of evidence Proper Terminology Photography and proper documentation of bloodstains Stain diameter and distance fallen/drop volume Target surface effects Calculation techniques for angle of impact Measuring stains and direction of travel Impact and castoff patterns Techniques to determine the area of convergence Hands-on laboratory experiments Mock crime scene practical exercises Hands-on laboratory experiments
626 Hurley Blvd SW
626 Hurley Boulevard Southwest
Palm Bay
United States
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Additional Event Details: http://eventful.com/palmbay/events/40-hour-basic-bloodstain-pattern-analysis-/E0-001-128636840-5?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic