“4th Annual Holiday Social” by ZVN, Inc.
“4th Annual Holiday Social” by ZVN, Inc.
Event Date: 2019-12-22 13:00:00
***Open to Members of ZVN, Inc. only*** Celebrate the Spirit of Christmas with fellow members of Zahara Veterans Network, Inc. and our families. For the last few years our holiday social event has grown and this year, we are hosting a private gathering to celebrate the growth of our organization and the members who are helping us redefine the community of women veterans. This is our fourth annual holiday social event and we look forward to the year we can host it in our own facility for women veterans. This year we have pre-selected veteran families to receive assistance and encourage individual veterans in financial need to contact Toys for Tots directly for donations or visit the veteran service officer in your local area for referrals. Most veteran nonprofit organizations receive less than $50,000 in yearly support from the local community, this year, we are part of that reality. Our expendable funds are needed to help get us closer to the goal of our own facility. To accomplish our goal, we have to spend less in areas that don’t receive government, state, or general support. This event is one that has been hosted primarily by our board members and some small donations. After our facility is established we will re-invest in expanding its reach. Have a blessed holiday season and we encourage you to get involved with our organization and the veteran community, Merry Christmas!!! Sponsors interested in making financial and/or in-kind donations towards our door prizes and our veteran families in need can send an email to zahara@zvetnet.org or make donations through our website at: www.ZAHARAVETS.org Thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to making this Christmas extra special for our members!!! ~Zahara Veterans Network, Inc.~
Orange Park Public Library
2054 Plainfield Ave
Orange Park
United States
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Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://jacksonville.eventful.com/events/4thannualholidaysocial-zvn-inc-/E0-001-131251647-9?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic