
Pop Culture Trivia Nights

Pop Culture Trivia Nights

Event Date: 2019-11-05 19:00:00


Come and enjoy great beer along cigars!!Grab your sharpest friends and get ready for a month full of trivia. We’ve gathered a list of free trivia nights for the months of May, June and July !! We will spice it up with prizes for top scoring teams.Each event allows up to 3 people per team, but get here early to secure your spots. Impress your friends with your familiarity of cult movies, TV obsessions, and artists that you probably know a little too much about.Next May 14, Pop Trivia questions.Could we be anymore excited for bringing back trivia nights?? Your competitors don’t know that you know that they know probably less Pop culture facts than you. Trivia starts at 600pm sign-ups end at 7:00pm, and trivia  starts at 7:30pm sharp. ( we do give a buffer to come and enjoy trivia night).   For more information Inbox us via facebook. Follow our pages to stay connected. Trivia, orlando, florida, baldwin park, pop culture, drinks, cigar bar, balwin park people, craft beer baldwin park, couples choice, wine at baldwin, date night at baldwin, admiral cigar club, cigar club baldwin park, karina otero baldwin park, gators dockside baldwin park, colibri baldwin park, night out baldwin park, hangout baldwin park, fun times baldwin park

Admiral Cigar Club
4940 New Broad Street
32814 Orlando
United States

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