Learn To Do Real Estate in less time and make more money (Florida)
Learn To Do Real Estate in less time and make more money (Florida)
Event Date: 2019-11-06 19:00:00
(Do not register for this event without reading the Full Description) Hi, If your reading this that means you are interested in investing in real estate! We are a community of investors ranging from beginners to seasoned investors helping each other grow and expand their business and knowledge base. Our community is superior amongst any other investing group because our entire community is based around the #1 rated real estate education service in the country. We are taught all current forms of real estate investing by seasoned practitioner investors who have made well over a million in what they currently teach and invest in. Now if your looking to get more information about this great opportunity, register and you will be contacted.
32256 Jacksonville
United States
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Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://jacksonville.eventful.com/events/learn-do-real-estate-/E0-001-127134121-9@2019110619?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic