Saving (& Making) $$$ with Solar + Batteries [every Tuesday at 9–10pm (ET)
Saving (& Making) $$$ with Solar + Batteries [every Tuesday at 9–10pm (ET)
Event Date: 2019-11-05 21:00:00
An opportunity to save our planet AND be a part of the greatest transfer of wealth we have ever seen in the ~$10 TRILLION per year worldwide energy industry with
A FREE online or phone conference to learn about an A+ Better Business Bureau-rated solar contractor that has done over 1,000 solar electric installations since 1986 and their NEW solar lead generation division in Florida which also allows you to earn commission on the sale of solar backup generators, "Do-It-Yourself" solar PV, solar hot water, and solar pool heater ship kits.
Every TUESday from 9pm to 10pm (Eastern time) until further notice.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or Telephone: Dial:
646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 688 205 8469 # #
(Webinar link & phone dial-in info. can ALWAYS be found by clicking "Open Event/See more" at: )
****** If you attend, please announce that you're a guest of Hollywood, FL Club Leader, Danny Tseng's *************
Watch some great "Solar 101" videos at and for independent Club Leader Danny Tseng's website, visit https://OffGrid.SolarBuyers.Club
To become an official independent contractor (MISC-1099) distributor for Solar Buyers Club, LLC as a Club Leader, visit ($25/month for your own replicating website, ____.SolarBuyers.Club, back-office support, HubSpot CRM account, and SO MUCH MORE!)
Call 786.441.2727 , text 305.297.9360 , or e-mail if have questions before the event or to get started either as a Club Member (solar customer) and/or Club Leader (solar referral business opportunity).
Speakers: David Webster, Danny Tseng, Matt Calvin
Venue details: online (worldwide) or by phone
Webinar LINK:
by phone: dial 646 876 9923 Meeting ID: 688 205 8469 # #
Postal code 34243, US
34243 Co Highway 46
34243 Sarasota
United States
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