
A 3-Day Workshop with Dolores Mosquera

A 3-Day Workshop with Dolores Mosquera

Event Date: 2020-02-26 09:00:00


Workshop Description                            Day 1 & 2 – Treating Dissociative Disorders with EMDR: The Progressive Approach In this workshop, clinical case examples and video fragments will be used to illustrate interventions with EMDR for dissociative clients following the “Progressive Approach” (Gonzalez & Mosquera, 2012). Using this model, this workshop will demonstrate how EMDR clinicians can safely utilize a wide range of EMDR interventions from early in the preparatory phase of treatment for patients with dissociative disorders.  Our aim is to provide a comprehensive model for applying EMDR therapy in the treatment of dissociative disorders, extending the AIP model to address the kinds of dysfunctionally stored information found in those with the most severe forms of traumatization and dissociative phobias. EMDR therapists will learn to integrate new interventions into their clinical work at different phases of treatment. In particular, they will learn to implement specific clinical interventions, based on ‘progressive protocols’ for dissociative disorders. Key Content  EMDR therapy and managing dissociation, an expanded AIP model Managing dissociative phobias: identifying dissociative phobias and clinical strategies throughout different phases of treatment Empowering the client: working through the Adult Self with EMDR Therapy Understanding and exploring the internal system safely with Dissociative Disorders: clinical tools and interventions The Tip of the Finger Strategy and other tools to reprocess trauma gradually and safely Learning objectives: Participants will be able to describe three key aspects of the Progressive Approach model for dissociative clients from the EMDR perspective and the AIP model Participants will be able to identify three or more EMDR procedures for dissociative clients and link these to different phases of EMDR treatment Participants will be able to list examples of dissociative phobias and how to describe methods to work with them Participants will be able to explain three or more strategies for exploring the internal system safely in complex trauma cases Participants will learn how to explain three procedures including when, where, and how to apply procedures in your clinical practice based on the book “EMDR and Dissociation: The Progressive Approach” Participants will be able to list three or more subtle dissociative signals and explain how to adapt treatment pacing to these signals in each case Day 3 – Working with Hostile Voices and Parts of the Personality in Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders Many dissociative clients have difficulties with voices that are hostile and critical. The internal conflict is sometimes so strong that the person will even have difficulties carrying on with an ordinary conversation. One factor that affects this conflict is how the patient deals with the voices or parts of the self. Most approaches to helping people with hostile or critical voices have something to do with either trying to get rid of the voice, such as by taking drugs until it fades away, or trying to ignore the voice or distract attention away from it. One problem with these strategies is that they all involve avoiding issues or emotions the voice may be bringing up. A key aspect to the work with hostile parts of the personality and voices is to understand their function and the meaning behind their disruptive behaviors. A comprehensive approach is needed with the most complex cases where internal conflict can lead to harmful behaviors for the self and others. In these cases, transforming conflict through dialogue, compassion and understanding is essential. Specific procedures to work with the conflict in these clients in different phases of EMDR treatment, will be illustrated through case examples. Key Content: Identify the internal system of dissociation and internal voices that are hostile and critical How to read the function and purpose behind the saboteur parts of self. Using compassion and understanding to help deal with dissociative phobias within the internal system Skills to reduce impasses and resistance that may complicate or reduce the efficacy of the treatment Specific steps to organize the work with hostile parts and voices Learning objectives: Participants will gain skills to adapt the clinical language to the needs of clients when working with critical and hostile parts. Participants will learn skills to assist clients with understanding the motivations behind self-harming behaviours such as self-mutilation and other hostile or critical dynamics Participants will gain an understanding of how to dialogue with the unintegrated parts of Self and to reduce the internal conflict among the system of parts in different phases of EMDR Participants will be able to list three or more basic components of clinical work with hostile parts Participants will learn at least five steps to organize their work with hostile and critical parts and include it in treatment planning About the instructor:  Dolores Mosquera is a psychologist and psychotherapist, specializing in complex trauma and dissociative disorders. She has been trained in several psychotherapeutic approaches and is an accredited EMDR Europe trainer and supervisor. Dolores is the director of the Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality Disorders (INTRA-TP), a private institution where she has worked for years. Dolores has extensive experience in leading seminars, workshops, and lectures around the world. She has been a guest speaker at conferences throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and North, Central, and South America. She has published 15 books and numerous articles on personality disorders, complex trauma, and dissociative disorders, and is a recognized expert in this field. In 2017, Dolores received the David Servan-Schreiber award for outstanding contributions to the EMDR field, and was made a Fellow of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation in 2018. *Refund policy Refunds on purchased tickets are available only until January 25th, 2020 (no refund after this date). There is a $75 processing fee for all refunds/price adjustments. Fees for late arrivals and early departures will not be re-funded. *Prices subject to change. **Cancellations/Changes The workshop may be cancelled or postponed 30 days prior to its date due to under-enrollment or other circumstances. Participants may want to wait before making travel arrangements. The workshop shall be cancelled or postponed if unforeseen circumstances, such as presenter illness and/or a natural disaster (a flood, earthquake, tsunami, wildfire, or other major incident) arises. Participants will be refunded 100% All grievances must be in writing to, and will be replied to within 5 – 10 business days. *IF YOU HAVE SPECIAL NEEDS, DISABILITY OR CONCERNS: Please contact Nova EMDR Workshops, Inc. at This training is held in facilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.  EMDRIA Credits: 18 Continuing Education Credits maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Certificates are awarded online after completion of the workshop. Participants print their own certificate after registering at (an additional fee for CEs applies, fee not included as part of the workshop tuition), and entering a keycode, and completing an evaluation form. Licensed Professionals should contact their regulatory board to determine course approval. is approved by: The American Psychological Association (APA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This course is NOT available for NBCC credit Florida Certification Board The Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Provider #852 BAP-Expires 3/31/2021 The California Board of Behavioral Sciences. is approved to provide continuing education by the following professional organizations: ASWB and APA. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences, BBS, recognizes relevant course work/training that has been approved by these nationally recognized certifying bodies to satisfy renewal requirements. California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) Provider Number OS-12-147-0221 Expires 02-2021 The Texas Board of Social Work Examiners, Continuing Education Provider – 5674 expires 4/30/2020 The Texas Board of Professional Counselors, Continuing Education Provider Massachusetts Authorization Number: 1941 Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board – Provider # RCST031201 Expires 5/31/2021 New York Social Work Board – is recognized by the New York State EducationDepartment’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider ofcontinuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0120. The Florida Board of Nursing (CE Provider #: 50-4896) Expires 10/31/2020 Do not send certificates to the Florida Board of Nursing. You must keep this certificate for 4 years. The California Board of Registered Nursing. CEP 15647 Expires 11/30/2020.

Omni Jacksonville
245 Water Street
32202 Jacksonville
United States

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