Dunedin International Film Festival
Dunedin International Film Festival
Event Date: 2020-01-08 18:00:00
The Dunedin International Film Festival 2020 is a 7 day event pouring out from Soggy Bottom Brewery into the rest of Dunedin. If you came to DIFF 2019 then you saw what an outstanding job VPN Studios did under the tent. In 2020 we are doing the same thing for 7 days!THE DUNEDIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL IS A PLATFORM FOR FILMMAKERS TO SHARE THEIR ORIGINAL CONTENT WITH THE FLORIDA FILM MAKER'S COMMUNITY.D.I.F.F. ACCEPTS SHORT FILMS AND FEATURE FILMS.#WEAREDOWNTOWNDIFF AIMS TO DEVELOP THE FILM COMMUNITY IN FLORIDA AND BRING AWARENESS TO THE GROWING ARTS AND CULTURAL CORRIDOR OF DUNEDIN, FLORIDA.#CULTURALCORRIDORTier 1 passes are available for access into all screenings for the 7 day event – $75. Get your tickets NOW and save.Dunedininternationalfilmfestival.comTell your friends ♥
Soggy Bottom Brewery
660 Main Street
United States
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Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://tampa.eventful.com/events/dunedin-international-film-festival-/E0-001-131356397-9?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic