2020 AsiaFest “Year of the Rat” Celebration
2020 AsiaFest “Year of the Rat” Celebration
Event Date: 2020-02-08 10:00:00
Cost: Donation General Admission
APASWFL (Asian Professionals Association of SWFL), formerly NAPA (Naples Asian Professionals Association) presents the 16th Annual SWFL AsiaFest "Year of the RAT" Celebration. The Festival will showcase crafts, customs & cultures from countries and ethnic regions from all over Asia.
Featuring a Medley of Delectable Asian Cuisine, Domestic & Asian Imported Beer, Enticing Specialty Vendors, Japanese Taiko Drummers, Traditional Lion Dancers, Martial Arts, Tai Chi Demonstration, Alluring Multi-Cultural Dances from China, Korea, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Philippines, & the Pacific Islands. Plus featured Guest Speakers, Artists, Comedians & more.
We encourage you to wear your favorite Asian Attire. Join our Parade of Cultural Pageantry by our Lovely Local Asian Beauties. One of whom will be crowned "Ms. AsiaFest 2019". Vote for your favorite!
Bring your chairs, umbrellas & beach throws. Stay a while and enjoy this all day cultural showcase. As well as games, demonstrations, educational activities, meet our Dedicated Fort Myers Fire Fighters & special treats for kids of ALL ages.
If you're interested in being a Sponsor/Advertiser/Vendor/Performer/or Volunteer, visit our website www.APASWFL.org or www.FaceBook.com/AsiaFestNaples for additional details.
Alliance for the Arts
10091 McGregor Blvd.
33919 Fort Myers
United States
Performer Bio:

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Additional Event Details: http://eventful.com/fortmyers/events/2020-asiafest-yearoftherat-celebration-/E0-001-132008386-0?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic