Help the People of the Bahamas
Help the People of the Bahamas
Event Date: 2019-11-13 10:00:00
Cost: Donations
You saw the damage that Hurricane Dorian did to the Bahamas, especially to the Great Abaco Island area. We understand that many were killed, thousands are missing, and many have lost everything—their homes, family members, and their jobs. Victory Lutheran Church is gathering funds which will be sent through our national Lutheran Christian Aid and Relief committee to help where it is most needed. If you would like to help the people of the Bahamas together with us, you may do so today at the registration table at our annual Fall Festival on October 26, 2019 from 10 AM – 1 PM EST or through an earmarked offering at any of our worship services. We plan to send in the funds on November 15, 2019. To contribute electronically, go to, and click on "give" in the upper righthand corner of the website. Be sure to designate "Bahamas Relief" in the comment box for the donation. We are located at 4651 Kernan Blvd South, Jacksonville, FL 32224. Call 904-642-8900 or visit for more details. Like us on Facebook!
Victory Lutheran Church & Preschool
4651 Kernan Blvd
32225 Jacksonville
United States
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