Handle with Care
Event Date: 2019-12-11 00:00:00
Cost: $29
A young woman from Israel, Ayelet, reluctantly joins her grandmother on a trip to the United States. Circumstances both absurd and tragic bring Ayelet, who has little command of the English language, together with Josh, a young American man who has little command of romance, on Christmas Eve. Is their inevitable love an accident…or is it destiny, generations in the making?
Handle With Care by Jason Odell Williams with Hebrew written by Charlotte Cohn will play from December 11, 2019 – March 8, 2020 in FST’s Keating Theatre. Subscriptions and single tickets are available online by clicking here or by calling the FST Box Office at 941.366.9000. SUBSCRIBE NOW to see all 4 Mainstage shows for as little as $69!
Florida Studio Theatre – Keating Theatre
1241 North Palm Avenue
United States
Performer Bio:

Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://sarasota.eventful.com/events/handle-care-/E0-001-130828417-5@2019121100?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic