2019 FishHawk Turkey Trot
Event Date: 2019-11-28 06:30:00
5k Chip Timed $30 (8 am) At the Door $35 10K Chip Timed $35 (8 am) At the Door $40 5k Untimed $25 (8:05 am) At the Door $30 1M and 250 yd. mini run $20 (9:15 am) At the Door $25 Race Day registration will begin in the FishHawk Publix parking lot at 6:30 a.m., Thursday November 28th. Packet Pickup is Wednesday, November 27th from 12:00pm to 7:00pm at the Palmetto Club: 17004 Dorman Rd, Lithia, FL 33547 Don’t be a late turkey: We encourage all turkey participants to arrive an hour before their scheduled race! It’s the largest road race in our area so parking your turkey-mobile and waddling to the event may take some additional time. Feel free to purchase a 2019 Turkey Trot Ornament to help out Seeds of Hope even more! They are $15 and available on the order form before entering payment. **Image Pending** Supporting Seeds of Hope, Inc. Nourishing Hope through Community Service
5668 Fishhawk Crossing Boulevard
United States
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Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://tampa.eventful.com/events/2019-fishhawk-turkey-trot-/E0-001-130143071-1?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic