Real Estate Trends 2019: Eye Popping Data and Top 10 Cities For Investors
Real Estate Trends 2019: Eye Popping Data and Top 10 Cities For Investors
Event Date: 2019-11-29 19:00:00
After pouring through over 100 articles, a dozen videos, and numerous studies, Neal and the Grocapitus team are ready with our most popular event of the year – Real Estate Trends January 2019 Edition. This presentation is completely rebuilt from scratch for 2019. With some markets slowing and others declining, now is the time to get the information you need to succeed in the turbulent 2019 Real Estate market. The Real Estate Trends content is much more powerful than it was for 2018. SAVE MY SPOT Included in the presentation you will discover single family trends and forecast, multifamily trends and forecast, interest rate forecast, home price forecast, rent forecast, Opportunity zones, why apartment demand is going up (with eye opening graphs), plus the U.S. economy update (GDP, trade war, inflation, unemployment, and wage growth). Plus, the most popular section has been expanded. We now have Top 10 cities for real estate investment 2019 (separated out for both single family and multifamily) and Top 10 cities for Multifamily development (opportunity zones, anyone?) We will finish off with Neal's insights and picks for Top Markets in 2019. Don't miss the presentation that attendees have called "The Best Seminar they ever attended. Period" and "Insanely good 60 minute knowledge blast". The presentation is filled with Quotes from terrific real estate sources and with Power Packed Infographics such as the one above. This year, in our Top city shootout, we have added information that our investors requested, such as new construction (for Multifamily) and Job Growth (for both multifamily and single family) so you can make better investing decisions. And for the first time, we have added a section called THE STORY OF APARTMENTS IN 10 GRAPHS. This story will explain to you why Workforce apartments continue to see rent growth that is far above 10 year and 30 year trend-lines. This knowledge alone can be the one nugget that you need for a comfortable retirement !! SAVE MY SPOT So don’t miss out on the expanded Real Estate Trends 2019 webinar. See you there,Neal BawaCEO & FounderGrocapitus and MultifamilyUPS – If there is one real estate presentation that you should attend, this is definitely the one. “Neal's presentation was filled with invaluable information that is not readily available to the average investor. This group takes you to the elite level of investing. Many many hours of research must have gone into this presentation! Thank you guys for sharing it with me!!” — Carlos Molina To get more MultifamilyU content in person, join your local MultifamilyU MeetUp group here:
Tampa, Florida, United States
Tampa, Florida, United States
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