Policy & Politics at Panera Bread
Policy & Politics at Panera Bread
Event Date: 2019-11-27 19:30:00
oin Us Purple People who look for the Truth Openly discussing better ideas and actions to a #BetterWorld for ALL People. The shade of Purple (reddish/blueish) we are judged is just the perspective of those viewing our color.
***Any updates to this event will be posted on our https://www.facebook.com/UnitedPurplePeople Page Feed which can be accessed whether one has an account or not.
***Look for Host Steven wearing a Purple Shirt.
Panera Bread
4159 US Highway 98 North
33809 Lakeland
United States
Performer Bio:

Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://eventful.com/lakeland/events/policy-politics-panera-bread-/E0-001-132333085-7?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic