
Edgar Cayce and Prophecy with John Van Auken

Edgar Cayce and Prophecy with John Van Auken

Event Date: 2020-01-18 09:30:00

Cost: General Admission: Online: $119/At Door: $139
A.R.E. Member: Online: $89/At Door: $109

Edgar Cayce and Prophecy with John Van Auken in The Villages, FL

Understanding the Times We Live In

John Van Auken, author of the best-selling "2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy," will present an in-depth look at the global, physical, and spiritual predictions for our times and why change must occur. Explore the prophecies of the Bible, Jesus, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and more.

Prophecies of Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, the Bible and more.

Humanity and the planet are experiencing many profound changes, and even more profound changes are coming. Many prophecies point to our current time as one of major change—from 534 B.C., when the angel Gabriel first told the prophet Daniel there is a time set for the end of this age, to the Edgar Cayce statement that now is the time of which the Archangel Gabriel spoke. Our planet will change. Our bodies will change. The people of the earth will be changed. A new world is going to begin, transforming us for the long awaited new age.

John Van Auken, author of the best-selling 2038: The Great Pyramid Timeline Prophecy, will present an in-depth look at what has been predicted for our times and why change must occur. During this fascinating program, you will explore:

~The prophecies of the Bible, the Archangel Gabriel, Jesus, the Book of Revelation, Nostradamus, the Bishop of Malachy, and Mary, the mother of Jesus, and more
~Edgar Cayce’s visions of the future of humankind and the earth.
~The coming metaphysical changes to our planet and our bodies
~World-wide political and religious changes that will yield a new worldview of life’s purpose and God’s role for us.
~The spiritual “earth changes” each of us must experience as we enter a New Age

For more information and to register please call 800-333-4499 or visit:

La Hacienda Center (Ricardo Montalban Room)
1200 Avenida Central
32159 Lady Lake
United States

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