
Battle of the Arts – Love Jones

Battle of the Arts – Love Jones

Event Date: 2019-11-14 19:00:00

Cost: $10.00 – $35.00

BATTLE OF THE ARTSThe LOVE JONES Open Mic ExperienceGrown & Sexy EventBattle of the Arts EDITION: 4 acts in each category competing for the golden mics! Poetry (Poets & Spoken Word Artists), Music (Singers & Hip-Hop Artists and Comedians will compete in a Batte of the Categories with one team standing out and being awarded gold mic trophies. One outstanding performer will WIN the overall competition and be awarded a First PlaceTrophy & $100 Cash Prize!The audience will be the judge! Come out to witness an exciting, fun battle of talent and creativity as the artists display their best works in pursuit of the Golden Mic! What is your favorite artform of expression? Who will you be rooting for? Who will win it? You have to be in the building to find out!Join us for this very Special Edition of the Love Jones Open Mic Experience – Battle of the Arts Edition!$10 TicketLeap Or $12 At-the-DoorGroup Tables & Vip Couch Section Tickets Available***Signature Love Jones **DRINK SPECIALS RE-MIXED***LOVE POTION $7 ALL NIGHT LONG! Venue: Krave is the perfect place to fix your craving for a creative night of the Arts! This beautiful venue boasts ambiance, state-of-the-art lighting and stage that are so Love Jones… Full kitchen and bar AVAILABLE All Night! Choose a couch or to enjoy the show! "Its all Love, at Love Jones." FAQsAre there ID or minimum age requirements to enter the event? Adult and mature content. 18 years of age to enter and/or perform. 21 Legal age to drink. What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?Uber & Lift both offer transportation at a minimal cost. There is adequate parking at the venue. Parking is FREE. Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?Your printed ticket or digital copy of it on cell phone or tablet. How can I contact the organizer with any questions?If you'd like to send in auditon material to compete in the Battle of the Arts (Poets, Spoken Word, Singers, Hip-Hop Artists and Comedians only for this competition). Contact T.J. Hope for your spot to join the Battle happening November 14, 2019! Love Jones Open Mic Experience at Krave in Sunrise, FL. Message T.J. on Facebook or email: Entry – $10.00 Vendor Ticket – $25.00 Group Reservation – $30.00 VIP Couch – $35.00 Group of 4 – $25.00

Krave Lounge & Restaurant
4519 N. Pine Island Road
33351 Sunrise
United States

Performer Bio:
Bossa Pop

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