Punta Gorda Pub Crawl 10th Anniversary 2020
Punta Gorda Pub Crawl 10th Anniversary 2020
Event Date: 2020-02-29 11:30:00
The 10th Annual Punta Gorda Pub Crawl & Food Drive kicks off at the Icehouse Pub and travels to: 7 other local pubs, bars and restaurants downtown Punta Gorda in this well anticipated yearly event!
Only 400 Pre-paid tickets available online at $28, or $35 day of, if available. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. and the crawl departs at 1:30 p.m. Food drive 10:30 -1pm open to all. Anyone bringing a canned food item will be entered the grand prize drawing for round trip tickets to Dublin Ireland for two (restrictions apply)! Food Drive to benefit the Harry Chapin Food Bank. One raffle ticket per can up to 24 cans (a case of food) per person. Live music by the band Brigid’s Cross from 11am-1pm under the tent, pub crawl or raffle ticket needed to enter.
Visit www.puntagordapubcrawl.com for all information.
408 Tamiami Tr.
33950 Punta Gorda
United States
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Events by Eventful
Additional Event Details: http://eventful.com/puntagorda/events/punta-gorda-pub-crawl-10th-anniversary-2020-/E0-001-132246628-9?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic