
Right-of-Way/O & T CEU Review

Right-of-Way/O & T CEU Review

Event Date: 2019-11-26 08:30:00


Registration and check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. 8:00 – 8:30                  Check-in/Registration 8:30 – 9:20                  Pesticides in the Environment: Pesticide safety issues and protecting non-target                                                       organisms; using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)                                     Carol Wyatt-Evens – IPM Extension Agent   9:25 – 10:15                Understanding the Pesticide Label:Types of pesticide formulations; interpreting the                                                   pesticide label, signal words, SDS.                                       Carol Wyatt-Evens – IPM Extension Agent  10:15 – 10:20              BREAK  10:20 – 11:10             Landscape BMPs: Turf and Ornamentals – Appropriate cultural and fertilization                                                       practices to promote healthy turf and landscape ornamentals; identification and                                                       management of common insects and diseases affecting shrubs including use of IPM                                               strategies and low toxicity pesticides.                                     Marguerite Beckford – Comm. Hort. Agent 11:15 – 12:05              Landscape BMPs: Palms and Trees – Management of palm and tree species, including                                           appropriate cultural and fertilization recommendations; identification and management of                                         common insect and disease problems affecting palms and trees, using IPM strategies                                             and low-toxicity pesticides.                                     Marguerite Beckford – Comm. Hort. Agent  12:05 – 12:55              LUNCH (on your own)  1:00 – 1:50                  Weed Management: Weed identification and management strategies.                                      Marguerite Beckford, EdD – Commercial Horticulture Agent  1:55 – 2:45                  Herbicide Technology: herbicide modes of action and selection.   2:45 – 3:00                 CEUs       CEUs AVAILABLE (6 maximum) 2 Core 487 2 LF 4 L&O 4 O&T 4 ROW 4 Private 4 Dem. & Res. COST $25 (includes continental breakfast) Advance registration is required. You may pay online or at the door. If paying by check, make check payable to: University of Florida For more information, contact Marguerite Beckford at If you require special accommodations to attend one of our events, please contact us in advance at 941-861-5000 or NOTE: Classes and events may be canceled at any time due to low registration or other circumstances, with full refunds issued for paid events. Similar classes or events often are offered on future dates.  Keywords: horticulture, CEU, continuing education, shrubs, trees, landscape, landscaping, commercial, pesticides, professional

UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County
6700 Clark Road , Twin Lakes Park, Green Building
United States

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