
Jingle Jam: Youfit Health Clubs To Hold Specialty Holiday YouGX Classes

Jingle Jam: Youfit Health Clubs To Hold Specialty Holiday YouGX Classes

Event Date: 2019-12-14 00:00:00


Youfit Health Clubs is serving up some holiday cheer for YOU! During the week of December 9 – 14, all Youfit locations with YouGX group exercise classes will host holiday-themed classes to make the season bright and members and guests can enjoy free classes all week.

Jingle Jam attendees can also enter in a raffle to win 2020 New Years sunglasses and one FREE month Lime Card membership by doing at least one of 3 things:

● Attend a class

● Bring a guest

● Write on a post-it note (provided by front desk staff) what you’re thankful for in 2019 and what your goals are for 2020 and add it to Youfit’s 2020 post-it wall

Members and guests are also encouraged to post photos of their Jingle Jam experience using the hashtag #YouGXJingleJam and tagging @youfithealthclubs on social media.

Visit your local Youfit to participate in the holiday cheer and learn more! Bring a friend and see why Youfit is the perfect place to start a new healthy lifestyle while enjoying our immaculate workout area, sample classes and more!

Youfit- All Participating Locations

33404 West Palm Beach
United States

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