FALL 2019 BABIES Modern Boca Mommy & Me Session 2
FALL 2019 BABIES Modern Boca Mommy & Me Session 2
Event Date: 2019-11-06 09:45:00
Each "Modern Boca Mommy & Me" class is held several times per month (per age group) at Grandview Preparatory School and is specifically tailored to capture the attention and imaginations of children in two age groups: Babies- 6+ weeks to Walkers Toddlers- Confident Walkers to Age 3 Classes will include a rotating schedule of activities including dance, yoga, movement & music for toddlers and music & movement for babies– all offered by top notch Grandview Preparatory School Early Childhood faculty. Our program offers moms the chance to have their children learn and explore in a professional educational setting. "Modern Boca Raton Mommy and Me at Grandview Prep" Baby Class Dates: FALL SESSION 2: 6 Weeks- Walking NOVEMBER (9:45AM-10:30AM): 11/6 BABIES- Music & Movement with Ms. Kenzi 11/13 BABIES- Music & Movement with Ms. Kenzi 11/20 BABIES- Music & Movement with Ms. Kenzi DECEMBER (9:45AM-10:30AM): 12/4 BABIES- Music & Movement with Ms. Kenzi 12/11 BABIES- Music & Movement with Ms. Kenzi 12/18 BABIES- Music & Movement with Ms. Kenzi- special holiday class + parade!
BR – Grandview Prep
33431 Boca Raton
United States
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Additional Event Details: http://eventful.com/bocaraton/events/fall-2019-babies-modern-boca-mommy-me-session-2-/E0-001-130258749-6?utm_source=apis&utm_medium=apim&utm_campaign=apic